People personalize their meals to fit into their lives. Everyone’s meal time look different, so should their drinks. Show variety of ‘new’ meal occasions to show consumers how SodaStream enables them to bring a fresh take on any meal with their personalized drinks.
Participated in art direction for the overall photoshoot. Setting up the set, direction on the lighting and mood, preparing props, wardrobe, table styling, selecting talents to bring the best outcome of the shoot. Customized the set by the meal occasions such as office lunch, solo dinner, game day, and girls night.
Created the image in warm, apporachable, and easy mood to show the brand as the drinks that you can easily make and enjoy anywhere, anytime through out the day with your delicious meals.
일상에서 상황에 따라 다른 식단을 선택하듯이, 음료도 음식에 따라 새롭고 다양하게 바뀌는 것을 보여주는 라이프스타일 이미지 촬영에 참여. 친구들과 함께하거나 사무실에서 혹은 혼자 식사하는 상황에서 쉽게 언제 어디서나 나만의 음료를 만들 수 있다는 내용을 담은 컨셉으로 촬영 전반에 걸친 아트 디렉팅, 크리에티브 선택, 의상 및 세트, 푸드 스타일링 등을 진행하였다.
Image by Pepsi Co. Sodastream
Market – Online, Offline
Release – 2024